Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I've been writing with my left hand again. With a pen. It's an awkward setup and causes my fingers to cramp as they curl around the pen's smooth surface and force it across the paper, leaving wounded letters in its wake.
This proclivity to write with either hand began at a young age, shortly after learning that Mom used to be left-handed before being forced to write solely with her write hand. I remember fisting my hand around a crayon and pushing it across the paper - then straining to recognize the misshapen letters. I learned the word 'ambidextrous' and fought with it, twisting and poking at it in an attempt to wrap it like a brace around my subordinate hand. I wrote my name with my right hand and compared it to the scrawls my left hand abandoned on the paper, irrespective of lines or margins. Eventually, I gave up, dismayed at my utter lack of ability, and focused on forming right-handed letters only.
However, like a chronic disease, this left-handed inclination flares up, exhibiting itself in grocery lists, notes written in meetings, and my name spelled over and over. It has gone so far as to infect Lil' Sis, and now, she and I will write notes back and forth with our left hands. The letters are never perfect, but are now recognizable.
I struggle with subjects to write with my left hand. Any creativity I possess seems to reside in my write hand, leaving my other hand the more mundane tasks of copying lists, names, and short dialogues. At some point in the last month, I applied creative writing to my ambidexterity and began re-writing the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff. I realize that this is - at best - nothing more than fairy tale cannibalism, but it is a start.
Someday, I hope to use both hands interchangeably. Until then, I will ride this left-handed propensity until it ebbs and wait for the next round.
And if you receive a note that appears to be written by a five-year-old, yet has my name on the bottom, just assume that I am practicing again and write back - preferably with your left hand.

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